NON RESIDENT TAX FORMS. If you own a property in Spain but you do not live here more than 183 days in a tax year, do you know you are obliged to submit a non resident tax form every year?. If you rent it, you should also declare this income on a quarterly basis. In Cohesa Consulting Asesores we can help you with these tax forms. Please contact us for…
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Documentos de identificación (TIE, residencia, DNI, pasaporte…) Dirección vivienda habitual Dirección postal Datos contacto (teléfono y mail) IBAN cuenta en España Actividad que va a realizar y lugar en donde va a realizar la misma
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This form must be filled in by all Spanish Tax residents possessing assets abroad over 50.000 euros and must be submitted during the first quarter of each year. In this tax form you should declare: – Accounts abroad in financial institutions, – Stocks, bonds, values, financial rights, and savings in insurance companies, deposited, managed or obtained abroad – All types of Real Estate and rights over Real Estate abroad. You…
En el BOE de 10 de julio de 2021 se publicó la Ley 11/2021, de 9 de julio, de medidas de prevención y lucha contra el fraude fiscal. Entre las múltiples novedades que introduce dicha ley, nos encontramos que se acota aún más la limitación de pagos en efectivo entre empresarios, que se reduce de 2.500 a 1.000 euros. Esta limitación de los pagos en efectivo a 1.000 euros ya está en vigor,…
The law Ley 11/2021, de 9 de julio, de medidas de prevención y lucha contra el fraude fiscal, that was published the past 10th of July 2021, establishes the new limit to pay in cash from 2.500 euros to 1.000 euros. This limit of 1.000 euros applies since the 11th of July, which was the day the law was published officially in the BOE. And this means if any company or self employed…
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